Big Ten school hiring polarizing three-time champion HC ‘could come close’ to Coach Prime at Colorado

Michigan State hiring a certain polarizing former three-time champion head coach "could come close" to Coach Prime being hired by Colorado (Photo by Rey Del Rio/Getty Images)
Michigan State hiring a certain polarizing former three-time champion head coach "could come close" to Coach Prime being hired by Colorado (Photo by Rey Del Rio/Getty Images)

Urban Meyer being hired by Michigan State would be akin to Colorado’s hiring of Coach Prime according to Mike Farrell of Mike Farrell Sports — who makes the connection solely on the media circus that’d be generated in East Lansing.

“I was hoping it would be true,” Farrell prefaced before saying, “That Urban Meyer would indeed be a candidate and have interest in the head coaching job at Michigan State. But how does this impact Deion? It doesn’t really as the Spartans aren’t in his future conference and they would likely never play against each other. But to me, it would be amazing simply because Urban Meyer is the only coach in college football who could come close to garnering the attention that Coach Prime has. And to have both of them in charge of Power Four programs would be amazing.”

Of course, there are key differences between the two cases that make the two situations — the Meyer-Michigan State scenario of which will likely remain a hypothetical one — radically different in many ways.

Coach Prime wouldn’t bring nearly the controversy — and Colorado has a much different reputation than Michigan State

First and foremost, Coach Prime brought far less baggage than Meyer would bring to any prospective program looking to bring on the two-time BCS National Champion at Florida and inaugural College Football Playoff Champion at Ohio State. Meyer was caught up in multiple scandals during his go-round in the NFL coaching the Jacksonville Jaguars; famously getting photographed with women who were not his wife and being found to have kicked a player in practice.

Sure, Coach Prime rubbed many the wrong way when he publically dismissed most of the 2022 Buffaloes roster, but by and large, his name has been kept out of scandals.

Outside of the numerous soundbites in which he pushes the boundary of what modern society is willing to accept from one of the most high-profile people in sports.