Analyst eviscerates Coach Prime, Colorado football QB Shedeur Sanders: 'Gargantuan ego, bravado, lack of humility'

Colorado v Arizona State
Colorado v Arizona State / Christian Petersen/GettyImages

It's been a while since he's gone for the throat of Deion Sanders, but Mike Farrell Sports' Scott Salomon made a massive comeback in his loathing for Coach Prime by looping in his star Colorado football QB son, Shedeur Sanders.

Salomon said that Shedeur got his "gargantuan ego, bravado, and (a) lack of humility" from his father, Deion.

"Colorado quarterback Shedeur Sanders said that growing up as Deion Sanders' son was not easy," Salomon prefaced before saying, "Yes, it must be really difficult being born with a silver spoon in your mouth and not having to want for anything. Talk about being born on third base.

"He grew up with Deion's money and had the very best of everything. I cannot imagine how hard it is to be gifted watches that are worth more than the average American makes in a year. More importantly, he grew up with Deion's genes, which gave him a huge leg up into becoming an elite athlete. The burden of being blessed with elite genes must be unbearable. Along with the inherited money and genes, he also clearly got Deion's gargantuan ego, bravado, and lack of humility. The only thing shinier than his watches are the veneers in his father's mouth."

Analyst exemplifying his own 'Slime Time' moniker in attacks on Coach Prime and Colorado football QB Shedeur Sanders

Salomon once deemed Deion "Slime Time" in one of his many scathing pieces on CU's head coach, but nothing Coach Prime has ever done in Boulder feels nearly as slimy as attacking a man's character and parenting in one fell swoop.

Nothing Shedeur is doing warrants the sort of attacks he's getting. Sanders has every right to call out those who assume the "Grown QB" didn't grow up with certain challenges, and even if it comes off as out of touch with reality to those who can't fathom what Shedeur grew up with, we're not talking about a college student who even gets himself into any trouble outside of parking tickets. Those who aren't well-known athletes are protected, but it's bombs away when it comes to Sanders' kid.

Of course, by that token, Salomon's sharing of his opinion is fair game. But it feels like attacking for the sake of attacking to get a share of the "Prime Effect" and it doesn't match the energy of how media outlets treat anyone else; particularly those who act in a manner deserving criticism.