The Onion shares snarky, uninformed potshot Deion Sanders

The Onion embarrassed themselves with an uninformed shot at Deion Sanders
The Onion embarrassed themselves with an uninformed shot at Deion Sanders | Andrew Wevers/GettyImages

The Onion has severely fallen off in quality since its inception in 1988, but the past decade has been particularly brutal for the Madison, Wisconsin-based publication. Their snark isn't landing and their points are mostly falling flat.

The Onion's latest shot at Coach Prime is a perfect illustration of how cringe things have become for the sarcastic blog. In a joke insinuating Deion Sanders has no connection to the University of Colorado despite coaching the Buffs.

"Emphasizing that he was primarily focused on running the football team, head coach Deion Sanders admitted to reporters Wednesday that he has absolutely zero idea what school the Colorado Buffaloes play for," the publication wrote. "'Look, my job is to devote my full attention to making sure the offense puts points on the scoreboard and the defense stops the opposing team—anything else is just a distraction,' said Sanders, adding that he assumed the team had ties to 'Buff State,' 'Buffalo Tech,' or 'Nebraska.' 'You could ask the players, but I doubt they would know either. Oh! Buffalo University! Is that correct? It sounds kind of familiar. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the campus, but that might have just been a parking lot near the football field. If I’m being honest, I don’t care.' Sanders went on to ask reporters what the people in the stadium do when football games aren’t happening."

Deion Sanders literally guest lectures for a class at the University of Colorado

The Onion thought they had something, but even the slightest bit of research could've convinced them that their article didn't need to be published. While it's funny to think that Coach Prime doesn't pay attention to any happenings at the University of Colorado, it's false.

Sanders literally has a course at CU called "Prime Time: Public Performance and Leadership" that he gives lectures for.

The Onion is aptly named in this case, because this story stinks.

